Thursday, January 17, 2008

What The Fuck!? Find # 1

I know i promised my next post was gonna be my top albums of the year, but I lied. My blog, my rules, fuck off. So instead, my dear readers, I bring you a NEW section. Er, article. Um, post. Whatever.

To earn paper that has numbers 1,5,10,20,50,100 on them and metals that are worth some division of the number 1, I am currently employed at Goodwill Industries. I have worked there for 3 years. Occasionally, I come across something that just gets my jibbly's wibblying. Today was one of those days. I will now present my first What The Fuck!? Find of 2007.

Yes my friends, that is an official Office Space Work Sucks Kit!

It includes various Office Space paraphanelia. It comes with the standard booklet that explains the movie in more detail than the movie goes into? whatever, heres a shot of it on the left.

It also comes with the amazing JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS MAP! Yeah, I am really excited about this one, seeing how I am incredibly indecisive. Could this help me overcome that problem of mine? Probably not. But hey, at least I'm not in a wheelchair like the dude who invented it. Score one for Tussey

The next awesome thing that was in the package is the opening joke to the movie... the TPS REPORTS! By opening joke, I mean first interactive dialogue between characters. I bet these could potentially be useful if i ever decide to work in an office. Woot.

Do you remember the scene where Bill Lumberg introduces the first of the two consultants, who later went on to become Dr. Perry Cox on the show Scrubs(also was in Platoon. Incredibly skinny dude there, pretty funny. Check it)? Well, he points out this banner. The actual quote is "So... ask yourself. "Is This Good For The Company?""""" I have no clue how many quotations I should use to finish that sentence off. Oh well. Thanks to my brother Ryan for the assist on holding up the banner. One love.

In this pic, you can see I have the Initech coffee cup, the pc load letter, and my very own piece of flare that says "Sounds Like Someone's Got A Case Of The Mondays". I'm an actually using said coffee cup at this moment. It holds a decent cup of java. Thats really all I got to say about this.

Finally, we come to the end of the kit. It just wouldn't be a true Office Space Kit without Milton's red stapler. If you're a true fan, you would remember the old cartoons that creator Mike Judge did for Saturday Night Live and how that was the first appearance of Milton, Bill Lumberg, and the infamous red stapler. It was also the first time for the words "Well....Ok....But I'm gonna burn the building down" were utter from Milton. Gosh, I love that man. He's honestly a great example of a man who is loyal, but shat on just because he can be. Finally, he has had enough and he decides to shit back! Shit on Milton!

So thats it for my find this time around. Gosh, I love this movie. In fact, after writing this, I'm gonna start watching it for the.... oh.... thirty fifth time i think? Whatever, the number is up there. L8r


Anonymous said...

"So... ask yourself. "Is This Good For The Company?""""" I have no clue how many quotations I should use to finish that sentence off.

This confused me. I think you wanted to say this:
"So... ask yourself, 'Is this good for the company?'"

Anonymous said...

I will now present my first What The Fuck!? Find of 2007.


Charlie said...
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