Thursday, January 31, 2008

Handicapped in others reality

Have you ever had something happen to you that was so incredibly ignorant and disrespectful that you would have to stop for a second and go "...Did that seriously happen?" It's so bad that you actually have to question the fact that people like this actually exist and are made up as the same material and space dust as you and me. Well that happened to me yesterday.

It happened around 1 or 130. I was in the back room of Goodwill, working dilligently as usual. All of the sudden, my manager bursts into the back room. "Help!" she calls out, "A dear, old, adorable customer needs assistance! Who can do what needs to be done? JAMES! YES! YOU CAN!" Thus, I was chosen for this task and i readingly accepted. I ventured away from my work area and out onto the god-fearing sales floor. Many employees have been lost to the savagery and brutality of customers wanting, needing, thirsting to fill their life with house goods, slightly used clothing and domestic items, books, and furniture. I have yet to see anyone lose a limb to videos though. Hmm, I wonder why that is. I mean, I'd totally kill for an original VHS of THEY LIVE! Wouldn't you? Anyone? Anyone at all? Anywho, when I reach the despised place, I call out for the one that needed my assistance. By the way my manager was describing her, I would've thought of her as saint. Instead, what I got was literally the devil. A short, fat, titties-down-to-her-kneecaps demon. Bathed in rouge and red lipstick, spackled with blue eye shadown going up to the top of her forehead and meeting with her wing that was ever so slightly crooked. I felt my heart race just being near wrinkling cow, but my nerves were made of steel, for this wasn't the first time I encountered this PT Cruiser in a blue jump suit! The first time we met, she was with her grand daughter and kept smacking her around in the store. The second time, she left her wallet home but somehow thought she lost it in our store and decided to blame each one of us for stealing it. We didn't even receive an apology for that one. The third time that she decided to fill our day with menace and misery, she wrote a bad check. But of course, she didn't think so. So, we had to wait for her to deal with the check company, than to deal with her bank, only to be turned down, yet still we had to take her shit. Obviously, when I saw who it was, I immediately prayed for St. Michael for protection. After I get done with my short but heartfelt prayer ("Oh, fuck me. I'm gonna need some help with this one, St. Michael) I ask her if she was the one who needed help. Her response was "Oh. Well, they should've sent somebody else. I'm not the one who needs helps, you're the one who needs help." Yep. I offer my esteem services, and thats what I get in return. I felt like slapping the bitch's wig off and than run a cheese grater over her fucking clit. If she even has one. I hear demons don't have genitals. But instead, I was the human being and just replied with "Oh, I can take care of myself just fine." Than I opened the doors for her and she was on her way out of my life.

This isn't the first time that I have been meet with this kind of incompitence, and I realize that it also won't be the last. But look at me. I'm 6 foot, 250 lbs., I have stubble and hair on my chest. I am a man. Just because I have one hand, something that if you know me you know I do not need, does not mean I need help or will take your shit. If she caught me outside of my job or on a bad day, who knows what would've happened. I probably would've used her own drooping, dragging tits to beat her senseless.

Now theres a fine line between being curious and being rude. If you ask someone "Hey, what happened to your eye?" if they had a noticable eye problem, I'd say thats being curious. But if you say "Here, let me drive" when that person has been tested and passed by the state, you're just being a klon-dyke. People all the time as me about my arm and it's fine. I like answering questions about it. Now, when people ask the stupid fucking questions like "Do you have feeling?" or "Can I touch it?" thats when I get annoyed and pissed off. Also, when people start treating me different. If I say I can't lift something or do something involving the use of my hands, its quite alright because I know my limits. If you were to incinuate, than it's a whole different story. I guess the point I'm getting at here is just don't assume. If you do, you make an ass out of you and I will just be an ass to you.


Anonymous said...

what a biiitch, i love yo one armed selffff!

Anonymous said...

Telling little kids I ate your arm and stuff.